Jan 19Liked by laa11

I have been thinking about this very thing! There is such a low cost to running a "Greasefang package". In Yugioh, decks can use lots of different "engines" consisting of groups of cards (3 or more cards per engine). These engines can be synergistic with the rest of the deck but can also contain a 1 or 2 card combo that does something big. The idea being how splashable and low the relative cost is to playing the engine and how it doesnt interrupt what your A plot os trying to do. You basically just have to have room in the deck to run the engine.

Same thing applies here. Usually things in pioneer aren't as precise as they are in yugioh where they have free searches. Usually you just run cards that are synergistic (play ramp cards and cards that cost a lot for example). But in Greasefang, you basically only need like... 9 or so cards to play it. The rest is up for grabs.

I had a great time 2 weeks ago playing one of these lists and watching in game 2 my opponent play necromentia against me when I actually sided out all of the greasefangs lol. The only match I lost was against Lotus Field combo.

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Nice one! Would love to see some golgari midrange brew ideas or tips!

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Got a couple Golgari lists I've started working on. I'll write up a post if I get any good insights from them.

I just missed out on a trophy with Dimir midrange against Golgari midrange and it looked impressive on the other side, which motivated me.

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That's would be nice! There is this new Golgari Scapeshift deck too, which has a combo and a midrange plan B, seems sweet to have a look!

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